Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Day 3: The pain drags on.

The first couple were more explicit than I would be comfortable with. I really think that I may post an ad again after the holidays thats a bit more specific about what I'm looking for. One of the guys even sounded nice, but his email was something like "hardspanking69," which seems a little excessive to me. He actually had to go to the email server and sign up and be like "yeah, I think hardspanking69 pretty much embodies what I want the world to know about me."

One of the guys sounds like a sad sad sack, he's like "kids don't scare me! Crazy exes don't scare me! I just want someone to love me!"

Then more mid to late 40 year olds. I have nothing against 40+ men, but I am looking for someone to be my partner now, I'm not opposed to being more serious in a few years and I know I don't want to start a life with someone who's so much further along in it than me. Plus, my mom married someone just 13 years older, and he passed away and left her a very young widow. I know we don't control everything, but I'd like to take the chances of that down.

I also got a 4 page (at least!) long fantasy.

And the last one is a germ freak. A self described germ freak.

Great. Now that Rob has moved to Denver, my options are looking even more dismal. 

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