Saturday, June 26, 2010

So Where the Hell Have I Been for A Year and A Half

In February of 2009, the (secret) love of my life, Sean, confessed his undying love for me on Valentines Day. We got back together and planned to stay together while I went abroad. He was worried I would meet someone else, I couldn't imagine not wanting to be with him.

My checklist for this blog was to find someone who I sexually, emotionally and intellectually connected with. Emotionally and Intellectually were obviously there, and though Sean wasn't particularly into spanking, he was willing to give it a go.

Or he was at first. Or, more accurately, he SAID he was. In reality, he would make little disparaging comments about my sexual preferences. Worse than that, while I was away he fell into a deep depression. And I met a gorgeous South African. When I talked to Sean on the phone it was all about how much he hated his life, but he wasn't willing to make any changes. When I talked to Johannes, he was always on another adventure.

I fell in love. I moved to South Africa. I LOVED it. I loved Johannes, but I wasn't ready to move halfway around the world, and he wasn't ready for me to move to Cape Town to be with him permanently.

Now I'm (newly) 28, back in NYC, and back to blogging.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Back in The USA

A year after leaving, I've returned. I was teaching in Chile for awhile, and planned to only stay abroad for 6 months, but then there was this South African Sailor who loved to spank me and call me his little slut. Moved to South Africa. Now its over, I'm heartbroken and back in NYC.