Sunday, October 17, 2010

Up to His Old Tricks?

So, as it turns out Ben is not actually looking for much more than we had before. We had lunch, finally this week. He was funnier than I remembered, taller than I remembered too. However, his hair was a mess. I wanted to have a hair intervention. He just got out of a 7 year relationship (on and off, off while we were "seeing each other"), and ex sounds batshit crazy. seriously crazy. Anyway, when I got back to my office I started getting gchats about how he couldn't stop thinking of the time we spent together, but wanted to be my friend with benefits. He did emphasize the "Friend" part and said that he thought it would be much hotter if we had a real friendship.

I was kind of like "friend with benefits sounds like casually dating to me, except you don't pay for my drinks" which he found funny.

I think he's being kind of a slut now that he's single. I don't want to be a rebound. I"m totally intrigued and wanting a spanking.

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