Sunday, August 1, 2010

Searching Again

Back in New York I reconnected with all my old friends. Most of them are married now, or in serious relationships. I've got a few single friends, but mostly what I discovered is: I don't have much of a chance of meeting someone new through them. Because they are girls. And the only have girl friends. And the single guys I know also only have girl friends.

I posted again on Craigslist. This time I emphasized that I wanted to get to know someone before being bare-bottomed over their knee.

I posted:

I'm 28, tall, pretty and intelligent. I love spending time outdoors and I'm an avid runner currently training for a half marathon. I'm fun and easy-going.

I don't really have a problem meeting men, so you might ask why am I posting on craigslist?

It's because I'm a little bit kinky and I like being spanked. In my experience, not everyone thinks spanking is so amazing. I'm not usually so forward, and I usually prefer to get to know someone before discussing anything remotely like this, but I'm sick of wasting my time dating people who aren't interested. I'm looking for someone who has a mutual interest in this, but wants to get to know me before we dive in.

Please be between 25 and 35, cute, interesting and preferably taller than me (5'7")

Now I'm waiting for the responses to pour in.

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