In other, non craigslist related dating, I did get two requests for dates this week. One from a much older guy at work. He's a friend of mine, we sometimes have lunch together and I hang out in his office listening to music when I'm bored. He called me on Saturday and asked if I'd like to go out sometime. I felt sort of bad turning him down, because I do enjoy his company, but I know that I'm not interested in dating him. It caught me totally off guard, I was not even sure how he had my phone number. Anyway, I stuttered out an awkward reply about not really wanting to complicate things by dating and then lied and said I had a boyfriend. I said we were on and off again all the time, so I didn't talk about it because other people couldn't keep up with the drama.
The other request was more promising. I met this very handsome, tall, dark research scientist at a holiday party Saturday night. We ended up flirting for a lot of the night and he asked me for my number at the end of the party. I do hope he calls.
I'm also wishing I had someone around to spank me for lying yesterday. ::sigh::
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